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Security in Ad hoc Networks (SecAN'14)

Benidorm (Spain) - June 22-27, 2014

Wireless systems constitute the most extended transmission paradigm nowadays. As a particular case, ad hoc networks are more and more usual in a number of ambits and applications, including military, environmental and industrial, among others. The inherent features of these systems, such as open nature and inexistence of a fixed infrastructure, make them highly sensible to several attacks against services and users. Hence, usual security risks and vulnerabilities (e.g., jamming, impersonation, route poisoning) become critical in ad hoc environments. Moreover, more specific attacks to these systems, such as selfish attack, are also common.

In summary, security, which is a main aspect in every networking and communication system, becomes critical for ad hoc networks. This is especially true when the involved devices present severe computation and storage restrictions and/or limited battery life, as it usually occurs in ad hoc networks. The current edition of SecAN, which will be held in conjunction with AdHocNow 2014, is aimed at joining efforts to analyze new trends and attain new advances in securing wireless environments in general, and ad hoc networks in particular.