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NETA: NETwork Attacks Framework for OMNeT++

Making network attacks impact evaluation easier!

[release 1.0.0]


NETwork Attacks (NETA) is a framework devised to simulate attacks in heterogeneous networks using OMNeT++. NETA is aimed to be an useful tool in the network security field. This tool could make easy to demonstrate the effectiveness of defense security techniques or solutions against network attacks as well as for comparing the capabilities of different defense techniques. NETA is a INET 2.1.0 based framework. INET provides realistic implementations of structures and protocols on each protocol layers, especially in the higher ones: network, transport and application layers. For example, INET develops Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs) routing protocols as AODV, DSR, OLSR, etc., and several TCP implementations as well as several applications. Thanks to the versatile and extensible schema of NETA, a huge amount attacks could be implemented in each protocol layer.


Additionally,  NETA is intended to be a reference base tool for the network attacks simulation and implementation with research purposes. Therefore, it is published under GPL license for free and it is freely available in the download section or in the following links. Also an extensive documentation can be found here as well as the useful user manual.

Download NETwork Attacks Framework - 

User Manual - Coming soon!

Online Documentation -