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  • Salah, S. & Verdejo, J. E. (2014). Measuring the Efficiency of Network Opearators through Trouble Ticket Correlation. Enviado a: Journal of Network and System Management, . [More]
  • Camacho, J. & Ferrer, A. (2014). Cross-validation in PCA models with the element-wise k-fold (ekf) algorithm: Practical Aspects.. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 131, 37-50. [More] [Digital version]
  • García-Teodoro, P., Verdejo, J. E. & Tapiador, J. M. (2014). Automatic Generation of HTTP Intrusion Signatures by Selective Identification of Anomalies. Enviado a: Journal of Network and Computer Applications - major revision, . [More]
  • Khalife, J., Hajjar, A. & Verdejo, J. E. (2014). A Multilevel Taxonomy and Requirements for an Optimal Traffic-Classification Model. International Journal of Network Management, , 1-20. [More]
  • Rodríguez-Gómez, R. A., Maciá-Fernández, G., Casado, L. S. & García-Teodoro, P. (2014). Analysis and Modeling of Resources Shared in the BitTorrent Network. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunication Technologies, , 1-12. [More] [Digital version]


  • Magán-Carrión, R., Pulido, F. P., Camacho, J. & García-Teodoro, P. (2013). Tampered Data Recovery in WSNs through Dynamic PCA and Variable Routing Strategies. ICCNS - Journal of Communications, 8(11), 738-750. [More] [Digital version]
  • Rodríguez-Gómez, R. A., Maciá-Fernández, G. & García-Teodoro, P. (2013). Survey and Taxonomy of Botnet Research through Life-cycle. ACM Comput. Surv, 45(4), 1-33. [More]
  • Khalife, J., Hajjar, A. & Verdejo, J. E. (2013). Performance of OpenDPI in Identifying Sampled Network Traffic. Journal of Networks, 8(1), 71-81. [More]
  • de la Torre, P. P., Camacho, J., Maciá-Fernández, G., Verdejo, J. E., García-Teodoro, P. & Gómez-Calero, C. (2013). On the Influence of the Propagation Channel in the Performance of Energy-Efficient Geographic Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Wireless Personal Communications (Springer), 70(1), 15-38. [More] [Digital version]
  • Khalife, J., Hajjar, A. & Verdejo, J. E. (2013). A Multilevel Taxonomy and Requirements for an Optimal Traffic-classification Model. International Journal of Network Management, In press. [More]
  • Salah, S., Maciá-Fernández, G. & Verdejo, J. E. (2013). A Model-based Survey of Alert Correlation Techniques. Computer Networks (Elsevier), 57(2718-2732). [More]
  • Camacho, J., Padilla, P., García-Teodoro, P. & Verdejo, J. E. (2013). A Generalizable Dynamic Flow Pairing Method for Traffic Classification. Computer Networks (Elsevier), 57(14), 2718-2732. [More]


  • Campos, F. J., Verdejo, J. E. & García-Teodoro, P. (2012). Segmental Parameterisation and Statistical Modelling of E-mail Headers for Spam Detection. Information Sciences, 195(45-61). [More] [Digital version]
  • Maciá-Fernández, G., Wang, Y., Rodríguez-Gómez, R. A. & Kuzmanovic, A. (2012). Extracting User Web Browsing Patterns from Non-Content Network Traces: The Online Advertising Case Study.. Enviado a: Computer Networks (Elsevier), 56(2), 598-614. [More]


  • Camacho, J. (2011). Observation-based missing data methods for exploratory data analysis to unveil the connection between observations and variables in latent subspace models. Journal of Chemometrics, 25(11), 592-600. [More] [Digital version]
  • Camacho, J., de la Torre, P. P. & Verdejo, J. E. (2011). Least-squares approximation of a space distribution for a given covariance and latent sub-space. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 105(2), 171 - 180. [More] [Digital version]


  • Camacho, J. (2010). Missing-data theory in the context of exploratory data analysis. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 103(1), 8 - 18. [More] [Digital version]
  • Salazar-Hernández, R. & Verdejo, J. E. (2010). Hybrid detection of application layer attacks using Markov models for normality and attacks. Lect. Notes in Computer Science, 6476(416-429). [More]
  • Maciá-Fernández, G., Rodríguez-Gómez, R. A. & Verdejo, J. E. (2010). Defense techniques for low-rate DoS attacks against application servers. Computer Networks, 54, 2711-2727. [More] [Digital version]




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