García-Teodoro, P., Verdejo, J. E., Maciá-Fernández, G. & Casado, L. S. (2007). Network-based Hybrid Intrusion Detection and Honeysystems as Active Reaction Schemes. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, IJCSNS, 7(10), 62-70.
[Digital version]
Maciá-Fernández, G., Verdejo, J. E. & García-Teodoro, P. (2007). Evaluation of a low-rate DoS attack against iterative servers. Computer Networks, 51(4), 1013-1030.
[Digital version]
Bermúdez-Edo, M., Salazar-Hernández, R., Verdejo, J. E. & García-Teodoro, P. (2006). Proposals on Assessment Environments for Anomaly-based Network Intrusion Detection Systems. Lect. Notes in Computer Science, 4347, 210-221.
Maciá-Fernández, G., Verdejo, J. E. & García-Teodoro, P. (2006). Mathematical Foundations for the Design of a Low-Rate DoS Attack to Iterative Servers. Lect. Notes in Computer Science, 4307, 282-291.
[Digital version]
Maciá-Fernández, G., Verdejo, J. E. & García-Teodoro, P. (2006). Low Rate DoS Attack to Monoprocess Servers. Lect. Notes in Computer Science, 3934, 43-57.
[Digital version]
Maciá-Fernández, G., Verdejo, J. E. & García-Teodoro, P. (2006). Assessment of a vulnerability in iterative servers enabling low-rate DoS attacks. Lect. Notes in Computer Science, 4189(512-526).
[Digital version]
Tapiador, J. M., García-Teodoro, P. & Verdejo, J. E. (2004). Measuring Normality in HTTP Traffic For Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection. Computer Networks, 45, 175-193.
[Digital version]
Tapiador, J. M., García-Teodoro, P. & Verdejo, J. E. (2004). Anomaly Detection Methods In Wired Networks: A Survey And Taxonomy. Computer Communications, 27, 1569-1584.
Tapiador, J. M., García-Teodoro, P. & Verdejo, J. E. (2003). NSDF: A Computer Network System Description Framework and its Application to Network Security. Computer Networks, 43, 573-600.
[Digital version]
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El ciberespacio y la ciberseguridad: consideraciones sobre la necesidad de un modelo jurídico. , .
El ciberespacio y la ciberseguridad: consideraciones sobre la necesidad de un modelo jurídico. , .
El ciberespacio: presupuestos para su ordenación juridico-internacional. , .