Estudio de los mecanismos de denegación de servicio contra servicios en red
Gabriel Maciá-Fernández; Jesús Esteban Díaz Verdejo; Pedro García-Teodoro
- Abstract:
- The low-rate DoS attacks are presented as a novel approach for carrying out a denial
of service (DoS) attack against servers. Although this kind of attacks are carried out
by sending attack packets to the victim, it gets advantage of some vulnerabilities in the
servers in order to reduce the amount of tra±c needed for achieving its purposes. The
¯nal result is the use of a low-rate tra±c against the victim, which potentially could
allow the attack to bypass intrusion detection systems monitoring high rate tra±cs.
In this work, the fundamentals of the attack are presented, dealing with both iterative
and concurrent servers. Besides, an analysis of its design and the evaluation of the
performance of the attack is contributed. For this purpose, a mathematical framework
is developed and besides, the di®erent results are contrasted in both simulated and real
- Research areas:
- Year:
- 2007
- Type of Publication:
- Book
- Editor:
- Monografías del departamento de Teoría de la Señal, Telemática y Comunicaciones (Universidad de Granada)
- 978-84-690-8181-5
Hits: 2325