A review of: ADroid: Anomaly-based detection of malicious events in Android platforms

Referencia completa:

A. Ruiz-Heras, P. García-Teodoro y L. Sánchez-Casado. "A review of: ADroid: Anomaly-based detection of malicious events in Android platforms". III Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad (JNIC). 2017

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As mobile devices become more and more adopted by users, security risks also increase. This paper presents ADroid, a novel security tool for Android platforms with three main distinguishing characteristics. First, three groups of features are monitored over time: interfaces usage, applications related and communication related features. Second, a lightweight anomaly-based detection procedure is performed to determine the occurrence of unexpected abnormal activities. Third, the user can also create specific white/black lists. ADroid has been implemented in a real environment and evaluated through experimentation. The detection accuracy exhibited and the resources consumption involved in its operation show the goodness and promising capabilities of the system.

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