UGR'16: A New Dataset for the Evaluation of Cyclostationarity-Based Network IDSs

The dataset presented here is built with real traffic and up-to-date attacks. These data come from several netflow v9 collectors strategically located in the network of a spanish ISP. It is composed of two differentiated sets of data that are previously split in weeks:

The main advantage of this dataset over previous ones is its usefulness for evaluating IDSs that consider long-term evolution and traffic periodicity. Models that consider differences in daytime/night or labour weekdays/weekends can also be trained and evaluated with it.

Gabriel Maciá Fernández, José Camacho, Roberto Magán-Carrión, Pedro García-Teodoro, Roberto Theron, Ugr'16: a new dataset for the evaluation of cyclostationarity-based network IDSs, In Computers & Security, 2017
Author paper version available for download by clicking here

March 3 weeks

(Click on each week to download the associated files)

Week #3

From 03/18/2016 to 03/20/2016

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Week #4

From 03/21/2016 to 03/27/2016

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Week #5

From 03/28/2016 to 03/31/2016

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