@article{mrobles_coo_ciber_2016, author = "Robles Carrillo, Margarita ", abstract = "International cooperation on cyberspace reveals the existence of three different categories of principles: first, those which are the subject of consensus both the principle and its application to cyberspace; secondly, the principles agreed upon as such but whose translation to the virtual environment poses problems of a different nature; and finally, those who are not subject to agreement in principle or in practical application.", journal = "Revista Iberoamericana de Derecho Internacional y de la Integraci{\'o}n.", month = "november", number = "5", title = "{L}os principios rectores de la cooperaci{\'o}n internacional en el ciberespacio. {A}lcance y contenido del consenso entre los {E}stados.", url = "http://www.ijeditores.com.ar/pop.php?option=articulo{\&}Hash=a61dd25b9bddee46ea8cb43eb63376cc ", year = "2016", }