@article{mrobles_gobernanza_2017, author = "Robles Carrillo, Margarita ", abstract = "The governance of cyberspace is being defined politically and technologically. The ICANN reform process has resulted in the establishment of essential objectives and values and the establishment of an organizational structure according to the multistakeholder model of organization with little representation of States. International political debate, particularly within the framework of the United Nations, is leading to the implementation of a model of traditional interstate governance without participation of civil society.", journal = "Bolet{\'i}n del Instituto Espa{\~n}ol de Estudios Estrat{\'e}gicos. Documento de opini{\'o}n.", keywords = "Political Governance;Technological Governance;ICANN;United Nations", month = "may", number = "56/2017", pages = "1-20", title = "{G}obernanza pol{\'i}tica pol{\'i}tica versus gobernanza tecnol{\'o}gica del ciberespacio", year = "2017", }