@conference{camachoCAC2016, author = "Camacho, Jos{\'e}", abstract = "This speech will be devoted to discuss the application of chemometric (data analysis) methods in Big Data problems. A freeware Matlab toolbox, the MEDA Toolbox, will be introduced for this purpose. Its use will be exemplified with one of the main Big Data applications we refer to as Networkmetrics: the analysis of traffic data in Computer Networks (e.g. the Internet) Main challenges in Networkmetrics, in particular the data parameterization for multivariate analysis, will be discussed.", booktitle = "XVI Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (CAC)", keywords = "Big Data, Networmetrics, Analysis Data", title = "{M}ultivariate {B}ig {D}ata {A}nalysis and its application to the {I}nternet", year = "2016", }